7 Mart 2018 Çarşamba

muslim(turk,kurd) and armenian deads by history of truth

We have to consult the four-volume Arsiv Belgelerine Gore Kafkasyada ve Anadoluda Ermeni Mezalimi" (Armenian Savagery in Caucasus and Anatolia according to Archival Documents) published by the Ottoman Archives Department Directorate to get the most correct information on this issue. These documents prove that the Armenians killed a total of 517,955 Turks during the 1914-1921 period. Lets mention within this context the fact that the Armenian activists have always minimized the losses suffered by the Turkish people in order to support their thesis that the Ottoman Armenians were killed on purpose and in accordance with a plan.
(2005 Turkish research summarizes 120,000 as being polished off in 1915, and the rest in 1916-1918, winding up with a higher result, 530,000. An additional 500,000 died from famine and disease.)

 This means, if the total figure of Armenian dead (300,000-600,000) came not only from massacres but from all causes combined, and if over one-fifth of the total figure of Turks dead (2.5 million) resulted directly at the hands of Armenians (that is, 518,000-600,000), that means more Turks were murdered by Armenians than Armenians were murdered by Turks. The great injustice is, we never hear about the Turks/Muslims who were targeted by Armenians in their bloody campaign of systematic extermination... the REAL genocide.

 I have raised the point elsewhere on this site that one reason against the Armenian "Genocide" is that the Turks' lack of technology would have prevented them from being the successful exterminators the Armenians claim. Would not the same have applied to the Armenians, who also had no Xylon-B or incinerators to expedite their killings? For the answer, let's keep in mind the gendarmes assigned during the relocations were very few in number... sometimes as few as two... since every Turk was needed at the various desperate fronts. The Armenians, on the other hand, had many thousands of guerillas/soldiers at their disposal, as Armenian leader Boghos Nubar admitted. When they entered a defenseless village, in their mad bloodlust, they only had a single purpose: wipe the neighborhood clean of all Turks/Muslims, down to every single child... violently, and without utilizing the slow, indirect murder methods the Turks are often accused of, such as forced starvation. The numbers could add up significantly, in the period of even a few months... as witnessed in Rwanda, where a weapon of choice was the simple machete.

The Turks were willing to forgive and forget... this is why they rarely bothered to defend themselves these many years, against the juggernaut of anti-Turkish propaganda.... in the spirit of moving on, and in exercising the mature decision of stressing brotherhood and love. However, once the nutty Armenian terrorists began murdering folks right and left during the 1970s and 1980s, they opened a huge Pandora's Box... Turks figured, hey. We had better start telling what really happened. As a result, many ignorant Turks who were kept in the dark about the Armenians' crimes now have an excellent idea of the true nature of events. (Yet, no Turk will blame the beastliness of the Armenians' forefathers on Armenians today... that was then, and this is now... in contrast to the hatred inbred in most Armenians, feeding their raison d'etre, the perpetuation of their beloved genocide.com.)
What does all this mean? One day... one day.... people over the world will come to recognize what they have been told by the Armenians and their endless apologists has been a big lie. This will be a long process, since undoing the Turks' horrible reputation (as Cyrus Hamlin put it so beautifully,) will take a lot of effort... but one day, it will happen. And when it does, general history will recognize the Armenians as having been the true "Nazis." The Armenians couldn't let well enough alone, and one day they will come face to face with this monumental irony.
AZERİ GENOCİDE by azerbaijan.az
Armenians moved to Yerevan, Nakhchivan and Karabakh khanates have achieved to establish their administrative territorial unit of Armenian region despite their minority as compared to Azerbaijanis residing in the same area. This artificial division provided political reasons for the removal and annihilation of Azerbaijanis in their native lands. This was followed by propaganda of the establishment of the Great Armenia. In order to ensure the exculpation of the idea to establish this fictitious state in the territory of Azerbaijan, a wide-scale programme, aimed at the falsification of the national history of Armenians, was started. The distortion of the history of Azerbaijan and the whole Caucasus, formed an integral part of this programme.
Inspired by the idea of the establishment of the Great Armenia, Armenian invaders started to openly implement on a wide scale their evil actions against the nation of Azerbaijan during 1905-1907. Armenians started their brutal acts in Baku and further spread them through the rest of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijani villages in the current territory of Armenia. Hundreds of settlements were razed to the ground and thousands of people were savagely killed. The organizers of these events were creating an unfavorable image about the people of Azerbaijan to hide the truth and prevent these events from a correct political and legal evaluation.
 They got use of the World War I, Russian revolutions in February and October of 1917, and managed to accomplish their ideas under the plea of the Bolshevism. The implementation of a cruel plan of cleansing the population of Azerbaijan in the provinces started by the Baku commune under the plea of fighting against counter-revolutionary elements in March of 1918. Armenian crimes have secured themselves an everlasting place in the memory of Azeri people. Thousands of Azerbaijani civilians, were murdered for the only reason of their belonging to the nation of Azerbaijan. Armenians destroyed dwelling houses and burnt people alive. Most of Baku was turned into ruins with national architectural sights, schools, hospitals, mosques and other monuments destroyed.
 Azeri genocide was particularly cruel in Baku, Shamakha, Guba, Karabakh, Zangezur, Nakhchivan, Lenkaran and other regions. Many civilians in those areas were killed, the villages were brought to ashes and national monuments were razed to the ground.

The deportation of hundreds of thousands of Azeris from their historical lands at the first stage of the Nagorny Karabakh conflict in 1988, also did not receive a correct political assessment in Azerbaijan. The autonomous republic of Nagorny Karabakh was taken from Azerbaijan's control and annexed to the Armenian SSR at the basis of an unconstitutional decree of Armenian Republic and under assistance of the Moscow-led Special Administration Committee. This fact caused a serious dissatisfaction among the nation of Azerbaijan and forced it to begin important political activities. Even though the aggressive policy aimed at the occupation of the territories of Azerbaijan, was strongly criticized at numerous rallies held in Azerbaijan, the political leadership still did not give up its passive and contemplative position. In January of 1990, Soviet troops were brought to Baku in order to prevent further development of the national liberation movement. Hundreds of Azeri people were killed and injured, as the result.
In February of 1992, Armenians accomplished unforeseen brutalities among the population of Hojali. The Hojali genocide saw thousands of Azeri people murdered and taken prisoners of war. The whole city was razed to the ground.

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